LNG: long parcel, length longer than width.
WDE: wide parcel, width longer than length, or long side facing protected land.
SQR: square parcel, length equal (or nearly equal) to width.
CNR: corner parcel, protected on 2 sides.
TRG: triangular parcel, 3 sided parcel.
PSA: peninsula parcel, protected on 3 sides.
THN: narrow parcel.
Point: corner parcel in a SIM
Offsite Prims: additional prims located on 2nd parcel on the same SIM, usable on the main parcel.
Beachfront: waterfront natural beach.
Roadside: driveable parcel adjacent to linden roads.
Waterland: parcel where the natural soil does not rise above the water level.
Natural beach: parcel where the natural soil rises above the water level. Rare, only 15% of mainland coast.
Sailable: see waterfront.
2x Protected: parcel that has 2 sides adjacent to linden SIMs.



ADRIFT SUITE R1: Blake 4864 LNG (64m wide x 76m long), rated G.

Riverfront beachfront in the Coastal Waterway, close and sailable ot the Blake Sea.

4864 sqm, 1669 prims, rent for L$1181/wk.


ANIMATUM RIVERSIDE SUITE R3: 4096 LNG (32m wide x 104m long), rated M.
Riverfront waterland & hill, with Blake Sea sailing through group channel.
4096 sqm, 1406 prims, rent for $3.98 usd per week.


ANIMATUM SUITE W1-W4-W7: 3328 LNG (32m wide x 104m long), rated M.
Riverfront waterland with sunset view, sailable to the Blake Sea.
3328 sqm, 1406 prims (264 from Region), rent for $3.98 usd/week.




ASKOLD SUITE  E8: Blake 4096 LGN (32m wide x 128m long), rated M.

Beachfront with sunrise view on the Coastal Waterway, sailable to the Blake Sea.

4096 sqm, 1406 prims. Lease for $3.98 usd per week.


BEGGARS BOWL SUITE N2-N7-N8: Blake 2048 LNG (32m wide x 64m long), rated M.
Blake waterfront waterland. Sailable to the Little Sea / Blake Sea.
2048 sqm, 1406 prims (703 from Region prims). Lease for $3.98 usd per week.




BEGGARS BOWL SUITE R9: Blake 2080 LNG (40m wide x 52m long), rated M.
Blake waterfront natural beach on the LIttle Sea, sailable to the Blake Sea.
2080 sqm, 1406 prims (692 from Region), rent for $3.98 usd/wk.

BERTAGGIA RIVERSIDE R5A-R6A: Blake Riverside 2080 CNR (40m wide x 52m long), rated G.
Riverfront waterland corner in group channel, sailable to the Blake Sea.
2080 sqm, 1406 prims (692 from Region), rent for $3.98 usd/wk.



BERTAGGIA SUITE W1: Blake 4000 LNG (approximately 32m wide x 128m long), rated G.
Blake waterfront waterland with sunset view in the Big Fish Sea of the Dire Strait, sailable to the Blake Sea.
4000 sqm, 1373 prims. Lease for $3.89 usd per week.

BERTAGGIA SUITE W2: Blake 4096 LNG (approximately 32m wide x 128m long), rated G.
Blake waterfront waterland with sunset view in the Big Fish Sea of the Dire Strait, sailable to the Blake Sea.
4096 sqm, 1406 prims. Lease for L$995 per week.

CARDONA SUITE R6: Blake 1888 LNG (approx 32m wide x 58m long), rated M.
Riverfront, natural land in the Coastal Waterway / NE Satori, sailable to the Blake Sea.
1888 sqm, 1406 prims (758 from Region), rent for L$995/wk.

CARDONA SUITE S7: Blake 3744 LNG (approx 32m wide x 118m long), rated M.
Waterfront, waterland in the Coastal Waterway / NE Satori, sailable to the Blake Sea.
3744 sqm,1406 prims (121 from Region), rent for L$995/wk.

DUSIO RIVERSIDE SUITE C7: Blake 4112 LNG (approx. 32m x 120m), rated G.
Blake riverside waterland adjacent to the Dusio Channel. Sailable to the Blake Sea..
4112 sqm, 1406 prims, rent for L$995/wk.

DUSIO RIVERSIDE SUITE C8: Blake 4160 LNG (approx. 32m x 120m), rated G.
Blake riverside waterland adjacent to the Dusio Channel. Sailable to the Blake Sea.
3392sqm, 1406 prims, rent for L$1995/wk.

DUSIO RIVERSIDE SUITE W4: Blake 4752 LNG (approx. 48m x 100m), rated G.

Blake riverside natural beach adjacent to the Dusio Channel. Sailable to the Blake.

4752 sqm, 1631 prims, rent for $4.62 usd/wk.


ERIK SUITE W1 w/ SUNSET: Blake 4096 SQR (64m wide x 64m long), rated M.

Beachfront with sunset in the Coastal Waterway.

4096 sqm, 1406 prims. Lease for $3.98 usd per week.


FIRESPIRE SUITE N1: Blake 3584 LNG (approx. 32m x 112m), rated G.

Blake waterfront waterland. Very close to the Blake.
3584 sqm, 1406 prims (176 from Region), rent for $3.98 usd/wk.

FIRESPIRE SUITE N4: Blake 2720 LNG (approximately 40m wide x 68m long), rated G.
Waterfront waterland in the Big Fish Sea, close and sailable ot the Blake Sea.
2688 sqm, 1406 prims (473 from Region), rent for $3.98 usd/wk.
FIRESPIRE SUITE N7: Blake 2560 LNG (approx. 32m x 80m), rated G.
Blake waterfront waterland. Very close to the Blake.
2560 sqm, 1406 prims, rent for $3.98 usd/wk.
HAKE RIVERSIDE SUITE R1: Blake 3936 LNG (62m wide x 64m long each), rated G.
Protected channel on the Bingo Strait and sailable to the Blake Sea.
3936 sqm, 1406 prims (55 from Region), rent for $3.98 usd/wk.
HAKE SUITE R7: Blake 3744 LNG (60m wide x 64m long), rated G.
Waterfront waterland in the Big Fish Sea / Dire Strait, sailable to the Blake Sea.
3744 sqm, 1406 prims (121 from Region), rent for $3.98 usd /wk.
JIBBER SUITE  W7-W8: Blake 4096 LNG (32m wide x 128m long), rated M.
Waterfront waterland in the Coastal Waterway with sunrise or sunset, sailable to the Blake Sea.
4096 sqm, 1406 prims, rent for L$995/wk.
KIERNA RISE SUITE  W5, W6: Blake 4096 LNG (32m wide x 128m long), rated G.
Waterfront with sunset in the Coastal Waterway, sailable to the Blake Sea.
4096 sqm, 1406 prims, rent for $3.98 usd/wk.
LEGER SUITE E4: Blake 4032 LNG (36m wide x 112m long), rated M.
Protected waterfront, with sunrise, in the Satori continent, close and sailable to the Blake Sea.
4032 sqm, 1406 prims (22 from Region), rent for $3.98 usd/wk.
LIFSTAEN SUITE S5A: Blake, 4096 LNG, (32m wide x 128m long), rated M.
Waterfront natural hill, sunrise view and sailable to the Blake Sea.
4096 sqm, 1406 prims, rent for L$1395/wk.

LOOMINO RIVERSIDE SUITE W2: Blake 3328 THN (32m wide x 104m long), rated G.
Riverfront beach and water on group channel near the Bingo Strait and sailable to the Blake Sea. 

3328 sqm, 1406 prims for $3.98 usd/wk


MOOBTHUNB SUITE E5, E6: Blake 4096 LNG (32m wide x 64m long each), rated G.
Waterfront beach on Bingo Strait and sailable to the Blake Sea.
4096 sqm, 1406 prims, rent for L$1245/Wk.


MASTIPHAL SUITE S1: SLW 4256 LNG (approximately 64m wide x 66m long), rated M.
Waterfront waterland in the Little Sea, sailable to the Blake Sea via the Volpert linden channel.
4256 sqm, 1461 prims. Lease for $4.98 usd per week.

MOOBTHUNB SUITE S3, S4: Blake 4096 LNG (32m wide x 128m long each), rated G.
Waterfront waterland on the Bingo Strait, sailable to the Blake Sea.
4096 sqm, 1406 prims, rent for L$1245/Wk.



QLAR FELL SUITE W6: Blake 4096 LNG (32m wide x 128m long each), rated G.
Protected waterfront Sims on the Bingo Strait and sailable to the Blake Sea.
4096 sqm, 1406 prims, rent for L$995/wk.


QUAGMIRE SUITE S3-S4: Blake 3712 LNG (32m x 116m), rated M.
Blake square natural beach in middle of the Bingo Strait, sailable to the Blake Sea.
3712 sqm, 1274 prims, rent for L$1129/wk.


SCHILLI SUITE W1-W2: Blake 2560 LNG (32m wide x 50m long), rated G.
Blake waterfront waterland, sailable to the Blake Sea.
2560 sqm, 878 prims. Lease for L$618 per week.



SCHILLI SUITE W3: Blake 3760 LNG (40m wide x 94m long), rated G.
Blake waterfront waterland, sailable to the Blake Sea.
3760 sqm, 1290 prims. Lease for L$895 per week.

SKADI SUITE E6: Blake 3072 LNG (32m wide x 96m long), rated M.
Blake waterfront waterland with sunrise view in the Satori Coastal Waterway, sailable to the Blake Sea. 

3072 sqm, 1054 prims. Lease for $2.98 usd per week

SUPERVILLE RIVERSIDE SUITE N5-S3-S4-S5: Blake Riverfront 3072 LNG (32m wide x 96m long), rated M.
Riverfront natural land sailable to the Big Fish Sea and to the Blake Sea.
3072 sqm, 1406 prims (352 from Region) Lease $3.98 usd per week.





TEFFELAW SUITE W3 : Blake 4224 LNG (32m wide x 132m long), rated G.

Waterfront waterland parcel in the Coastal Waterway, sailable to the Blake Sea.

4224 sqm, 1406 prims, rent for $4.98 usd/wk.


TEFFELAW SUITE W4-W5-W6 : Blake 4096 LNG (32m wide x 128m long), rated G.
Waterfront waterland parcel with Sunset in the Big Fish Sea, sailable to the Blake Sea.
4208 sqm, 1406 prims, rent for L$995/wk.



TERRIC SUITE S1: Blake 4096 LNG (32m wide x 128m long), rated M.

Waterfront natural beach with hill very close and sailable to the Blake Sea.

4096 sqm, 1406 prims. Lease for $4.98 usd per week.


THALIPOLLI SUITE W3-W4: Blake 4096 LNG (32m wide x 128m long), rated M.
Waterfront waterland in the Dire Strait with sunset view, close and sailable to the Blake Sea.
4096 sqm, 2000 prims (594 from Region), rent for L$1495/wk.


THORKELL SUITE N3- N5-N6 Blake 4096 LNG (32m wide x 128m long), rated M.
Waterfront waterland on the Coastal Waterway, sailable to the Blake Sea.
4096 sqm, 1406 prims. Lease for $ 3.98 USD per week.




THORKELL SUITE R3: Blake 3328 LNG (32m wide x 104m long), rated M.

Waterfront waterland and hill on the Coastal Waterway, sailable to the Blake Sea.

3327 sqm, 1406 prims, rent for $3.98 usd/wk.


THORSTAR CONDO E1: Blake 2432 LNG (32m wide x 76m long), rated M.
Waterfront waterland in the Coastal Waterway with Sunrise, sailable to the Blake Sea.
2432 sqm, 1406 prims (574 from Region), rent for $4.98/wk.

THORSTAR CONDO W1-W2: Blake 1920 LNG (32m wide x 60m long), rated M.
Waterfront natural land with sunset view, in the Coastal Waterway, sailable to the Blake Sea.
1920 sqm, 1406 prims. Lease $3.98 usd per week.



THORSTAR CONDO w3, W4, W5: Blake 3072 LNG (32m wide x 96m long), rated M.

Waterfront natural land with sunset view in the Coastal Waterway, sailable to the Blake Sea.

3072 sqm, 1406 prims ( 351 from Region prims) , rent for $3.98 usd/wk




TOMA SUITE S1: Blake 3328 SQR (52m wide x 64m long), rated M.
Waterfront waterland on the Satori Coastal Waterway, sailable to the Blake Sea.
3328 sqm, 1142 prims, rent for $3.29 usd/wk.

TOMA SUITE S3: Blake 4096 SQR (64m wide x 64m long), rated M.

Waterfront waterland on the Satori Coastal Waterway, sailable to the Blake Sea.

4096 sqm, 1406 prims, rent for $3.98 usd/wk.


TWICE BITTEN SUITE R7: Blake 4096 LNG (32m wide x 128m long each approx), rated M.
Protected waterfront Sims on the Bingo Strait and sailable to the Blake Sea.
4096 sqm, 1406 prims, rent for $3.98 usd/wk.


ULLAHOO SUITE E1-E2: Blake 4096 LNG (32m wide x 128m long), rated M.
Blake waterfront waterland close to the Bingo Strait, with sunrise. Sailable to Blake Sea.
4096 sqm, 1406 prims, rent for L$995/wk.


ULLAHOO SUITE E5: Blake Riverside 3840 LNG (40m wide x 96m long), rated M.
Blake waterfront waterland corner close to the Bingo Strait, with sunrise. Sailable to Blake Sea.
3840 sqm, 1406 prims. Lease for L$1095/week.

ULLAHOO SUITE  R3A-R3B: Blake Riverside 4096 LNG (32m wide x 164m long), rated M.
Blake riverside waterland close to Bingo Strait. Sailable to the Blake Sea.
4096 sqm, 1406 prims. Lease $3.98 usd per week.



ULLAHOO SUITE R4A: Blake Riverside 4096 LNG (32m wide x 164m long), rated M.
Blake riverside waterland close to Bingo Strait. Sailable to the Blake Sea.
4096 sqm, 1406 prims. Lease $3.98 usd per week.
VAINEMOREN SUITE W5-W6: Blake 4096 LNG (approximately 32m wide x 128m long), rated M.
Waterfront waterland with sunset view. Sailable to the Blake.
4096 sqm, 1406 prims, rent for L$995/wk.
VYZMANAVIN SUITE S1: Blake 4224 LNG (44m wide x 96m long), rated M.
Waterfront waterland parcel in the LIttle Sea, sailable to the Blake Sea through the linden Volpert canal. 
4224 sqm, 1406 prims, rent for $3.98 usd per week.
YIMMU RIVERSIDE W6: Blake 4096 SQR (approximately 64m wide x 64m long), rated G.
Riverside natural beach and harbor. Sailable to the Blake Sea.
4096 sqm, 1406 prims. Lease for $3.98 usd per week
ZAITSEV POINT SUITE: Blake 4000 CNR (approximately 62m wide x 64m long), rated M.
2x protected waterfront corner in Satori, sailable to the Blake Sea.
4000 sqm, 1406 prims. Lease $3.98 per week.